Loan Products

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Conventional Loans

Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac

  • Fully Amortizing Fixed Rate and High Balance

    The standard in mortgage lending. Offering competetive rates for a multitude of borrowers and financing situations.

  • Texas Equity 50(a)(6)

    Offers flexible financing on the refinance of any Texas property is currently or has previously been subject to a cash-out refinance transaction.

  • HomeStyle Renovation

    Provides a convenient and economical way for borrowers considering moderate home improvements to make repairs and renovations with a single-close first mortgage.

  • DU Refi Plus

    Offering reduced verifcation and documentation to qualifying borrowers who have an origanal Fannie Mae morgage with a note date prior to Jun 1, 2009.

  • Relief Refinance Mortgage - Open Access

    Offering reduced verification and documentation to qualifying borrowers who have an origanal Freddie Mac morgage with a note date on or before May 31, 2009.

Government Loans


  • FHA Standard 203(b)

    The centerpiece of FHA's single family mortgage insurance program. It allows a person to purchase or refinance a principal residence, often with lower credit restrictions and smaller down payments than their Conventional counterpart.

  • FHA 203(b) Repair Escrow

    Intended to facilitate uncomplicated rehabilitation to a home being purchased from HUD.

  • FHA Streamline Refinance

    This program was specifically designed to help existing FHA homeowner's lower monthly mortgage payments and interest rates with minimal documentation and without the need for an appraisal.

  • FHA & VA One-Time Close

    Finance the construction, lot purchase, and permanent mortgage all with a single One-Time Close loan. No Re-Qualification. No Second Appraisal.

  • VA Fully Amortizing Fixed

    A program established by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to help veterans and their families obtain home financing.


    The VA Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan lowers your interest rate by refinancing your existing VA home loan.

  • FHA Standard and Limited 203(k) Rehabilitation Mortgages

    Used to purchase or refinance a home that needs rehabilitation or major repairs. Rather than having to obtain a separate loan to finance the cost of the repairs or walking away from a home they love because they don't have the cash for home improvements, the FHA 203(k) allows you to finance the rehab costs within the first mortgage.

  • Guaranteed Rural Housing (USDA)

    Loan Program is designed to assist households in obtaining adequate but modest, decent, safe and sanitary dwellings and related facilities for their own use in rural areas. Loans are limited to applicants with incomes that do not exceed state and local Rural Development (RD) median income limits and property that is designated as rural by RD. Borrowers can finance up to 100% of the appraised home value or a borrower can have a gift or grant go toward a down payment with no money out of pocket.

Non-Conforming Loans

Jumbo & Portfolio Loans

  • Jumbo Loans

    We offer a variety of Fixed & Adjustable rate jumbo products from 453,100 to 2.5M with FICO scores as low as 680.

  • Low Down Payment Jumbo

    High CLTV, up to 95% for Primary Residence Purchases, for the Full Doc Jumbo Loan Program. Available for loans over $453,100 up to a max loan amount of $1,500,000.

  • Jumbo Split

    Provides an option for jumbo properties to split financing between a first and second lien in order to avoid increased jumbo pricing and lower LTV limits. 1st lien loan amounts to 424,100 and second lien loan amounts up to 600,000. 90% CLTV standard, with exceptions to 95% CLTV in some cases.

  • Jumbo Elite

    Exclusive rate incentives for borrowers with 700+ FICO. Loan amounts up to $2 million. Eligible for primary and second homes. Fixed rate and ARM loans available.

  • Reduced Doc Jumbo

    rovides certain self-employed borrowers the opportunity to use alternative documentation to document income. 700 Minimum FICO. Must meet minimum Net Worth and Liquity Requirements.

  • Loan Product Enhancements

    Escrow Holdbacks - Now allowing Escrow Holdbacks to allow for repairs/improvements after closing, Including Pools. NO ADDITIONAL PRICING HITS APPLY. Exludes 30 yr Fixed Jumbo product, No foundation or roof repairs allowed.